Friday 29 June 2018

Leukemia Blood Cancer Treatment COST in India | Best Hospitals for Blood Cancer Treatment India | Surgery Tours India

blood cancer
Blood Cancer Treatment in India
Tags: blood cancer, blood cancer treatment in india, blood cancer treatment cost in india, best hospital for leukemia treatment in india, blood cancer symptoms, Leukemia, leukemia treatments, leukemia treatment in india, cost of leukemia treatment in india

What is Blood Cancer?

Leukemia or Blood Cancer is a condition when the Reticulocyte which generally consists of 1% of the total white blood cells multiply rapidly and corrode the ability of Bone Marrow to produce red blood cells and platelets. The rapidly multiplying immature white blood cells impair growth of healthy white blood cells. Since these immature cells grow rapidly, they become more in number than the healthy ones, quite gradually. Leukemia or blood cancer affects more men than women, generally. It is a sad fact that lots of children are also affected by leukemia, it affects mostly adults, though. It also holds true that there are many different types of treatments for this disease. These treatments are highly effective and help the patient effectively get rid of the disease.

Best Location for Blood Cancer Treatment

As far as cancer is concerned nowadays, India is perfect location for medical tourism. There are several best factors due to which India is preferred as the best destination when it comes to medical tourism. Blood Cancer Treatment in India is performed at best multispeciality hospitals in India. Factors which favor India as the best location as compared to other countries in world include the following.

  • Short Consultation Period
  • Lower Costs
  • Equipped Infrastructure
  • Effective Treatments
  • Availability of Donors

Signs and Symptoms of Blood Cancer

Main sign and symptom indicating blood cancer is the delay in blood clotting as blood lacks platelets that enable clotting of blood. As discussed earlier, bone marrow of blood cancer patients fails to produce enough platelets because of the rapid division of immature cells that interfere with the production of platelets. This failure in production of sufficient white blood cells cause the patient to bleed very often and it takes a little longer than usual for the blood to clot. This causes red spots on the body of the patient as he suffers hemorrhage.

He may fall sick very often because of frequent infections. As we all know, white blood cells are soldiers that protect us from the bacterial and fungal infections. When enough soldiers are not present in the body to protect the patient, he will become unwell, frequently. or the immature cells may start attacking good cells in the blood.

Anemia is another common symptom of leukemia patients. The patient will look white or appear paler than he usually is or he may suffer some breathing difficulties because of this disease.

There are several other indicators of this disease like severe weight loss, sweating during nights, weariness etc. When leukemia affects the central nervous system, patients will get a headache and that too very often. Since these symptoms can be found in patients because of several other reasons, a complete medical check-up is required to know whether these are symptoms of blood cancer.

Those who already have AIDS are high-risk patients who can easily be affected by blood cancer. Those who work in factories that produce or use certain chemical products like Benzene or petrochemicals are at risk of getting blood cancer. Those who are exposed to radiation like radiotherapists also are at risk of getting blood cancer. Family history will throw light as to the reason of getting cancer because genetic susceptibility may be a strong factor as to why particular patients develop this dreadful disease. Those with the disorder in their chromosomes like the ones having down syndrome are at higher risk of developing this disease.

Leukaemia treatment in India

There are several tests to confirm Blood Cancer
  • Bone Marrow Examination
  • Blood Test
  • CT Scan, X-Ray
  • Removal of Lymph Nodes for Examination
These tests will help doctors know the extent of cancer which has spread in the patient’s body. Usually, when the doctor detects leukemia, he will also detect the stage of the spread of this disease simultaneously.

Types of Blood Cancer

  • Leukemia: Rapid multiplication of WBC that affects the production of blood platelets.
  • Lymphoma: This is one type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system which is responsible for fighting dreadful germs. As a result, patients become susceptible to different dreadful diseases which ultimately lead to untimely death.
  • Myeloma: This type of cancer affects the plasma, which is one form of WBC, of the patient.

Treatment Options for Blood Cancer

Till now, it was believed that there is no complete cure for blood cancer. But lately, it has been found that even patients in third stage of cancer can be completely cured of this disease due to the different kinds of newly researched medicines. These medicines help patients by blocking production of the enzymes that spread the disease to the other parts of the body. Even though modern medicines for blood cancer treat patients in the first, second and third stage of the cancer completely, these medicines are highly effective on patients in the first stage of blood cancer.

There are three types of treatment options available for leukemia patients.

These are:

  • Stem Cell Transplantation: This is a process by which doctors take out healthy blood-forming stem cells from umbilical cord blood or peripheral blood or from the bone marrow of the same patient to be transplanted in the affected area to cure the disease following chemotherapy and radiation treatments.
  • Chemotherapy: This is one of the most common treatment for cancer patients. This anti-cancer drug prevents metastasis of the cancerous cells in the patient’s blood.
  • Radiation Therapy: This treatment can be given to the patient in the initial stage of the treatment before stem transplant. This effectively reduces the cancerous cells and help the patient get relief from pain.

Of late, different kinds of herbs have also been used to help patients to get rid of blood cancer completely.

For more information, medical assessment and medical quote send your detailed medical history and medical reports, as email attachment to:

Call: +91-888 292 1234 | +91- 973 000 1540

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