Saturday 7 July 2018

Colon Cancer Treatment in India | Colon Cancer Hospitals and Cost

colon cancer
Colon Cancer Treatment in India

About Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is the term commonly used to describe colo-rectal (or bowel) cancer. The colon is part of the intestines which consists of the small intestine (the section between the stomach and the appendix) and the large intestine (from the appendix to the anus). The large intestine is divided into the long colon and a short rectum, just before the anus. Two thirds of these cancers occur in the colon and one third in the rectum, with very few in the small intestine.

Risk Factors of Colon Cancer:
  • Age: Like other cancers, colon cancer risk increases with age (over 50).
  • Obesity: If you are overweight, your risk of colon cancer increases.
  • Alcohol: High alcohol intake is also known to increase the risk of the cancer.
  • Family history: If you have a family member with colon cancer then you are at risk of getting the cancer yourself.
  • Radiation: A very few percentage of cancer can be caused to people with cancer who have been treated with radiation.
  • Polyps in the bowel: Growth in the bowel (polyps) can become cancerous over a period of time.

Symptoms of Colon Cancer:

There are a variety of known symptoms of colon cancer including:
  • Diarrhoea or constipation
  • Blood in the faeces
  • Blockage of the bowel
  • A lump in the back passage or abdomen
  • Low level of red blood cells
  • Persistent abdominal discomfort, such as cramps, gas or pain
  • A feeling that your bowel doesn't empty completely
  • Weakness or fatigue and unexplained weight loss

symptoms of colon cancer

Diagnosis of Colon Cancer:

There are several ways in which we can screen for colon cancer. Checking for blood in the faeces is one of the simplest methods known.
  • Sigmoidoscopy: A more accurate but less pleasant method is sigmoidoscopy in which a flexible optical device is used to examine the inside of the rectum and colon.
  • Colonoscopy: It is used to visually examine the inside of the colon. Usually, a barium enema is used to take an x-ray of the shape of the inside of the bowel
  • Other techniques such as CT scanning or ultrasound can also be used to diagnose the spread of the cancer.

Prevention for Colon Cancer:
  • Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains
  • Drink alcohol in moderation
  • Stop smoking
  • Maintain a healthy weight by exercising regularly
  • According to research, the use of aspirin is linked with reduced polyps and colon cancer
  • Regular checkups should be done if any of the family member has colon cancer.

What are various stages of Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer is "staged" according to the pathological findings (results from biopsy) after surgery. Staging is a method to describe how advanced a cancer is. Staging for colorectal cancer takes into account the depth of invasion into the colon wall, and spread to lymph nodes and other organs:
  • Stage 0: (Carcinoma in Situ): Stage 0 cancer is also called carcinoma in situ. This is a precancerous condition, usually found in a polyp.
  • Stage I: The cancer has spread through the innermost lining of the colon to the second and third layers of the colon wall. It has not spread outside the colon.
  • Stage II: The cancer has spread outside the colon to nearby tissues.
  • Stage III: Cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, but not to other parts of the body.
  • Stage IV: Cancer has spread to other parts of the body, such as the liver or lungs.

How to Prepare for Colon Cancer Surgery?

It is vitally important to enter into Colon Cancer Surgery with a positive attitude. While the extent of involvement, type of tumor and surgical skill all play a role in the surgical outcome, going into the procedure with a sense of well being will help prepare your body to respond more effectively. Prepare yourself for a lengthy and possibly arduous recovery process, and expect good results.

  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery; this includes water.
  • Continue to take medication as prescribed, but with only a sip of water. Do not take ibuprofen, aspirin or any medication containing aspirin for one week before your surgery.
  • Do not smoke after midnight the night before your surgery.
  • Do not wear any make-up, especially eye make-up, lotions, or powders.
  • Do not bring large sums of money, jewellery, or credit cards.
  • If you wear contact lenses, bring the case to remove them before going into surgery.
  • Do not wear artificial nails or nail polish. Your nails are monitored during surgery to identify oxygen and blood circulation.
  • Bring a list with you of all your medications and their dosages.
  • Bring your insurance identification cards, a copy of Advance Directives, etc.

What Treatments are there for Colon Cancer?

Different types of treatment are available for patients with colon cancer. Some treatments are standard (the currently used treatment), and some are being tested in clinical trials. Colon cancer treatment options depend on;

  • The stage of the cancer
  • Whether the cancer has recurred
  • The patient’s general health

The three primary treatment options for colon cancer are:

  • Surgery - Surgery (removing the cancer in an operation) is the most common treatment for all stages of colon cancer. In ideal situations, where the cancer is found at a very early stage, a doctor can remove the tumor with a colonoscope. Most of the time however, colon surgery is required.
  • Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells or by stopping them from dividing. When chemotherapy is taken by mouth or injected into a vein or muscle, the drugs enter the bloodstream and can reach cancer cells throughout the body (systemic chemotherapy). When chemotherapy is placed directly into the cerebrospinal fluid, an organ, or a body cavity such as the abdomen, the drugs mainly affect cancer cells in those areas (regional chemotherapy).
  • Radiation Therapy - Radiation therapy uses powerful energy sources, such as X-rays, to kill any cancer cells that might remain after surgery, to shrink large tumors before an operation so that they can be removed more easily, or to relieve symptoms of colon cancer and rectal cancer.

colon cancer Treatments

What are popular Procedures for Colon Cancer Surgery?

The goal of Colon Cancer Surgery is to eliminate the cancer or, in the case of advanced disease, relieve symptoms. Leave an area around the cancerous site that is free of cancer cells. Therefore, no cancer cells are present in the tissue surrounding the surgery site and finally to remove nearby lymph nodes. The following are the major types of Colon Cancer Surgery:

Bowel Diversion Surgery: Bowel diversion surgery allows stool to safely leave the body when—because of disease or injury—the large intestine is removed or needs time to heal. Bowel is a general term for any part of the small or large intestine. Some bowel diversion surgeries—those called ostomy surgery—divert the bowel to an opening in the abdomen where a stoma is created. A surgeon forms a stoma by rolling the bowel’s end back on itself, like a shirt cuff, and stitching it to the abdominal wall. An ostomy pouch is attached to the stoma and worn outside the body to collect stool. Other bowel diversion surgeries reconfigure the intestines after damaged portions are removed. For example, after removing the colon, a surgeon can create a colon like pouch out of the last part of the small intestine, avoiding the need for an ostomy pouch. Cancer, trauma, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), bowel obstruction, and diverticulitis are all possible reasons for bowel diversion surgery. Several surgical options exist for bowel diversion.

Ileostomy: diverts the ileum to a stoma. Semisolid waste flows out of the stoma and collects in an ostomy pouch, which must be emptied several times a day. An ileostomy bypasses the colon, rectum, and anus and has the fewest complications.

Colostomy: is similar to an ileostomy, but the colon—not the ileum—is diverted to a stoma. As with an ileostomy, stool collects in an ostomy pouch.

Ileoanal reservoir surgery: is an option when the large intestine is removed but the anus remains intact and disease-free. The surgeon creates a colon like pouch, called an ileoanal reservoir, from the last several inches of the ileum. The Ileoanal reservoir is also called a pelvic pouch or J-pouch.

Continent Ileostomy: is an option for people who are not good candidates for ileoanal reservoir surgery because of damage to the rectum or anus but do not want to wear an ostomy pouch. As with ileoanal reservoir surgery, the large intestine is removed and a colon-like pouch, called a Koch pouch, is made from the end of the ileum.

Radiofrequency Ablation: Radiofrequency Ablation is a type of colon cancer surgery that uses a special probe with tiny electrodes that kill cancer cells. Sometimes the probe is inserted directly through the skin and only local anesthesia is needed. In other cases, the probe is inserted through an incision in the abdomen (stomach). This is done in the hospital with general anesthesia. Radiofrequency Ablation helps the surgeons and radiologists at Cancer Treatment Centers of America eliminate small liver tumors, often without the risks and discomfort associated with traditional surgery. Radiofrequency ablation is also less invasive and less painful. To perform this innovative procedure, our surgeons or radiologists use ultrasound guidance to place a thin, needle-like device into the center of a liver tumor. The tip of the device then emits the radiofrequency waves (i.e., electrical energy), directing the heated energy at the tumor to destroy cancer cells. Radiofrequency ablation can be applied during a surgical procedure, or through the skin. It may be an appropriate treatment for colorectal cancer patients who have multiple tumors, or who have been previously treated with surgery.

Cryosurgery: Cryosurgery is a treatment that uses an instrument to freeze and destroy abnormal tissue, such as carcinoma in situ. This type of surgery is also called cryotherapy. Cryosurgery can be used to treat men who have early-stage prostate cancer that is confined to the prostate gland. It is less well established than standard prostatectomy and various types of radiation therapy. Long-term outcomes are not known. Because it is effective only in small areas, cryosurgery is not used to treat prostate cancer that has spread outside the gland, or to distant parts of the body. Some advantages of cryosurgery are that the procedure can be repeated, and it can be used to treat men who cannot have surgery or radiation therapy because of their age or other medical problems. Cryosurgery for the prostate gland can cause side effects. These side effects may occur more often in men who have had radiation to the prostate. Cryosurgery offers advantages over other methods of cancer treatment. It is less invasive than surgery, involving only a small incision or insertion of the Cryoprobes through the skin. Consequently, pain, bleeding, and other complications of surgery are minimized. Cryosurgery is less expensive than other treatments and requires shorter recovery time and a shorter hospital stay, or no hospital stay at all. Sometimes cryosurgery can be done using only local anesthesia.

Polypectomy: A polypectomy may be sufficient in cases involving Duke's Stage A and B cancers. The procedure is performed during a colonoscopy. During the procedure, the polyp is encircled with a wire snare and then an electro cauterizing current is passed through the endoscopic tube, and the polyp is removed. The procedure is then followed by a biopsy and periodic monitoring to check the colon for additional polyps, as well as to monitor for blood in the stool, and for tumor marker levels. There is the risk with a polypectomy that not all of the cancer has been removed. Thus, many surgeons advise a surgical resection to remove not only the part of the colon that contains the cancer, but also a margin of colon on either side of the tumor so as to avoid missing the presence of microscopic cancerous cells that would later spread. If a patient and his or her medical team do opt for a polypectomy, it is important for the patient to be highly motivated to follow up with monitoring procedures, as there is an increased risk of recurrence.

Laparoscopic Colectomy: A laparoscopic colectomy procedure helps to eliminate the colon cancer. It is able to do this more easily than other procedures such as conventional open surgery, because this procedure places considerably less stress upon the body compared to that of conventional open surgery. Depending on your age and medical condition you may be required to undergo preoperative testing. This may include blood work, x-rays, and an electrocardiogram. The office will arrange this and give you instructions when you schedule your surgery. Patients will also be given a prescription for pain medication. It is recommended that you fill this prescription prior to the day of surgery. The colon is an enormous organ in size, and for the body to continue to be healthy, thrive, and to survive, the colon must be functioning at a reasonably normal state. Unfortunately, it is so common now-a-days for us humans to do great damage by abusing our life sustaining properties. The colon is so frequently taken for granted that it is causing problems to untold numbers of people. It is truly a shame and disservice that in this time of our history, the importance of the heart and the importance of avoiding heart disease is so well known, but knowledge of the importance of the colon is low among the general population. The colon deserves a lot more attention that it gets in our modern day world.

How Life changes After Colon Cancer Surgery?

After colon cancer surgery, you will be hospitalized for five to seven days. Intestinal ileus, a condition that interferes with your intestines' proper functioning, can occur and cause nausea and poor appetite. You will receive IV fluids during this time to prevent dehydration. The first day after surgery, your doctor will recommend getting out of bed and walking around. You will start a liquid diet for one to two days after surgery and gradually work your way up to normal food. Change your diet to a low-fiber diet for the next five to six months to reduce the amount of bulk in your colon. A small amount of pain is expected after surgery, and your doctor will administer pain medication to you intravenously, orally or intramuscularly.

Why choose India for Colon Cancer Treatment and Surgery?

India has been recognized as a new emerging global medical destination for Colon Cancer Treatment and Surgery. A sea of foreign patients from all across the world come to India for medical treatments and surgeries of high quality delivered as practiced in the developed nations like the US, UK or any part of the western world and that too at the most affordable costs.

The Cancer Hospitals in India are well equipped with the most advanced medical treatment and techniques. They have the most extensive diagnostic and imaging facilities including Asia’s most advanced MRI and CT technology. These Hospitals offers you a almost all the medical services and treatment maintaining the international benchmarks.

The Indian Oncologists performing different procedures of Colon Cancer Treatment and Surgery in India are highly qualified, skilled with many years of experience and are affiliated with many renowned medical organizations. India provides the services of the most leading doctors and Colon Cancer Surgery professionals at reasonable cost budget.

Colon Cancer India

Colon Cancer Surgery / Treatment Cost Comparisons: India VS Other Countries (USA, UK, Thailand, & Singapore)

India is the most preferable destination for patients who are looking for low cost Colon Cancer Surgery / Treatment. The cost of the Colon Cancer Surgery / Treatment in India is typically a fraction of the cost for the same procedure and care in the US and other developed countries. Comparing Colon Cancer Surgery / Treatment cost in India with the same treatment procedure in other countries, the price for surgery would be 30-50% lower. The cost can vary depending on the type of surgery required and other medical conditions of a patient.

For more information, medical assessment and medical quote send your detailed medical history and medical reports, as email attachment to

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