Tuesday 24 July 2018

Best Kidney Transplant Hospital in India, Kidney Treatment in India - Surgery Tours India

Kidney Transplant
Kidney Transplant in India
Kidney Transplant in India

Kidney transplant also called as kidney/renal transplantation is a complex and major surgical procedure. With advanced innovations in the surgical technologies, kidney transplant in India is safe and yields good outcomes.

For transplant, kidney can either be taken from a living donor who is willing to donate one kidney to the patient, or from a dead person or cadaver. But due to long waiting time for the kidneys from cadavers, patients usually opt for the live donor transplant.

It is important to note that the organ transplant laws in India are very strict and prohibit any commercial transaction for kidney transplant in India. The law in India allows only blood relatives to donate kidney and if an unrelated person wants to donate a kidney, special permission from the Government of India is to be taken.

There should be absolutely no commercial transaction involved between the donor and the recipient for kidney transplant in India. If the proposed donor or the recipient or both are foreigners and are seeking kidney transplant operation in India, a senior Embassy official of the country of origin or the government of the country concerned (authenticated by the Embassy concerned in India) has to certify the relationship between the donor and the recipient.

Steps for Kidney Transplant surgery in India
  • Identify donor from your country- preferably a close relative
  • Investigate donor- patient compatibility in your country. If it is not available, get it done in a country closest to you.Else, you may have to come to India for investigations.
  • When the compatibility is confirmed, both the patient and the donor shall be investigated for operability.
  • Kidney transplant in India will happen after the above confirmations and completion of documents related to kidney transplant operation in India.

Kidney is one of the most vital organs of the human body that performs important function of filtering waste from your blood and excreting that waste out of the body in the form of urine. It also assists in maintaining the body's fluid and electrolyte balance. If the kidney ceases working normally, the waste starts accumulating in the body and it makes you ill and you would need kidney transplant to replace your diseased kidney with a new, healthy kidney.

The new healthy kidney can be sourced from the living person who is willing to donate a kidney or it can be obtained from the dead person or a cadaver.

The basic principle behind kidney transplant from a living donor is that one can lead a healthy and normal even with one kidney which is sufficient for normal functioning of the human body.

Kidney transplant allows the person with renal failure to lead a normal and active life and makes the person free from lifelong reliance on dialysis and associated strict schedule.

However, kidney transplant is not suitable for every single patient with kidney failure. To determine the compatibility and the chances of successful kidney transplant, series of test are performed on both the donor and the patient. The tests include blood group typing, tissue and HLA typing and cross matching.

Causes For Renal Failure

Several disorders can damage the kidneys eventually making your kidneys to stop working completely. The main cause for kidney damage is the end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and kidney failure. Kidney failure can be acute which is caused due to short term severe illness of kidneys or it can be chronic kidney failure, which happens as a result of long term ailments like diabetes, high blood pressure etc.

There are certain risk factors that make people prone to kidney failure and ESRD. These include:
  • Severe or uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • Type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Liver disease or liver failure
  • Vascular disease like renal artery thrombosis, progressive systemic thrombosis etc.
  • Cancers including renal cell carcinoma, multiple myeloma, lymphoma etc.
  • Diseases like acute tubular necrosis, acquired obstructive nephropathy
  • Inherited or congenital kidney disease like polycystic kidney disease, congenital obstructive nephropathy etc.
  • SLE, injury
  • Sickle cell anaemia

If you are diagnosed with ESRD or if your glomerular filtration rate, that means, the rate of filtering the waste out of the blood by your kidney is less than 15ml/min/1.73 sqm and if there is no other way of restoring the kidney functions, and if you are healthy enough to undergo surgery, you can be a good candidate for the transplant surgery.


Evaluation and matching procedure:

Before the transplant, the patient and the donor need to undergo battery of tests like blood group (A, B, AB or O) and HLA (human leukocyte antigen) typing. If the HLA type of the patient matches with the donor, then it is more probable that the patient body will not reject the kidney. Once the matching is done and donor is identified, cross matching of the antibodies is done to make sure that the antibodies will not attack the organ. If the cross matching test comes negative, that means if the patient's blood doesn't show up any antibody reaction after mixing with the donor's blood then the surgeon can proceed with the transplant.


The kidney transplant surgery is a complex procedure performed under general anaesthesia.

As the anaesthesia starts taking effect, the surgeon makes an incision in the abdomen and the diseased kidney is reached. The surgeon then places the donor's kidney in the abdomen by wiring the blood vessels of the kidney to the patient's arteries and veins. 

This will start the blood flow through new replaced kidney. The surgeon then connects the ureters to the urinary bladder to let the patient micturate normally. Depending on the kidney disease, like, if your kidneys are not triggering any complication, the surgeon will decide to leave the diseased kidney inside your body. If he fears that diseased kidney can cause any problems like high blood pressure etc, then removing them is the best option.

Once the kidney is transplanted, the incisions will be sutured back and both the patient and donor shall be transferred to the ICU.

Expected Results

The results of the kidney transplant are satisfying and good. Your new kidney will clean and filter your blood normally and thus you shall get rid of dialysis after the successful kidney transplant. The life expectancy of more than 90% patient who underwent live donor kidney transplant increases by 5 years and of 80% patient increases by more than 10 years.


You will be taken to the ICU immediately after the surgery, where you will be staying for around 24-48 hours following which you will be shifted to the transplant care unit for another 1 week.

Both you and the donor shall experience little pain and discomfort at the site of incision, which would be relieved by medicines. You may also feel numbness due to severed nerves in the area of incision. You will be given medications to subdue your immune system so that it should not reject the new kidney. The surgeon shall also give you antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral drugs for protections against any infection.

Time and Cost

You need to come to India 2-3 weeks prior the scheduled transplant to complete the pre-operative requirements and after the surgery about 7-8 weeks are required. So a total stay of 10-11 weeks is required for kidney transplant in India.

Cost of kidney transplant in India

At Surgery Tours India, we recognize the significance of excellent health and well-being of our guests and hence our objective is to provide best kidney transplant in India at honest affordable prices. A preferred association with best hospitals for kidney transplant in India and top surgeons for kidney transplant in India helps us advise
  • Best hospital for kidney transplant in India
  • Most affordable cost of kidney transplant in India
Kidney transplant cost in India varies depending upon your medical condition, blood group matching with the donor, surgeon, facility and the city where you choose to get the surgery done.

Kidney transplant cost in India at our affiliated best kidney hospitals in India starts from around USD 14,500 and varies with various factors.
An individually allocated case manager takes personalized interest to design a tailor made treatment plan for every guest and will provide with a specific time and kidney transplant cost in India

Surgery Tours India Cares

We encourage you to educate yourself about kidney transplant in India, benefits from the right kind of procedure and then make an informed decision.

Surgery Tours India thus invites you for a free consultation with chosen best kidney hospitals in India and top surgeon in India and assures you hassle free arrangements for examinations, procedures, recovery, travel and stay in India.

You can be rest assured that with Surgery Tours India's expertise, we bring in a wonderful experience of medical tourism in India, which we have been doing so for almost a decade now.

For more information, medical assessment and medical quote send your detailed medical history and medical reports, as email attachment to:

Call: +91-8882921234 | +91- 9730001540

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Tags: Kidney Transplant in India, Best Kidney Hospital in India, Kidney Transplant Cost India, Best kidney doctor in India, Kidney transplant surgeons in India, Kidney transplant surgery in India, kidney transplant in India, Low Cost Renal transplant in India, best hospital for kidney transplant in India, Best hospital for renal transplant in India, kidney transplant in India success rate, kidney transplant cost in India , kidney transplant price in India, affordable, kidney transplant in India, cost kidney transplant India, advantages kidney transplant India, surgery tours India, India, kidney transplantation candidates, kidney transplantation preparation, kidney transplantation procedure, kidney transplantation surgery types, best kidney transplant hospitals in India, best kidney transplant hospitals in world, best kidney transplant surgeons in India, kidney transplant specialists in India