Thursday 19 July 2018

Treatment for Diabetes Type 1 & 2 in India - Surgery Tours India

Diabetes treatment in India

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Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterised by high blood sugar (glucose) levels. The condition results from the body’s inadequate production of insulin or the body’s altered response to insulin, or both. Diabetes causes abnormally high glucose levels (hyperglycemia), circulatory problems, and nerve damage. Diabetes cannot be cured, but it can often be managed with proper medical care, diet, and regular exercise. There are two types of Diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2. Approximately 90% of all diabetes cases are Type 2.


Increased urination, hunger, weight gain, fatigue, thirst, cuts and bruises that don’t heal or have delayed healing and numbness and tingling in the hands/ feet are some of the most common symptoms.

An autoimmune disease in which the body destroys insulin producing cells. The body does not produce insulin and cells cannot absorb sugar needed for energy.

The body does not use insulin in the right way and can become insulin resistant. This can develop at any age and is most commonly diagnosed in adulthood.


Exercise and diet are two of the most important lifestyle factors for Diabetic patients.

Exercises can:

  • Help with weight loss
  • Lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol
  • Help maintain muscle mass and reduce fat
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Lower stress levels
  • Reduce the need for insulin or drugs
  • Reduce risk of cardiovascular disease

Regular exercise of at least 30-60 minutes, 4 times a week is recommended for diabetic patients. Our Chartered Physiotherapists can outline a regular exercise programme for you which will provide you with the structure you may need to start off your training.

Our Expertise

Our highly skilled Physiotherapists will use specific exercise programmes, manual therapy, massage and electrical devices to help treat musculoskeletal conditions which can develop with diabetes. After assessing your specific condition, a personalised treatment plan will be outlined to address all your needs.

Diabetic Foot care is extremely important as leg and foot problems are the most common reason for diabetes-related hospitalisation. Our Physiotherapists work closely with our Podiatrists to ensure you are receiving all the appropriate care you need.

For more information, medical assessment and medical quote send your detailed medical history and medical reports, as email attachment to:


Call: +91-888 292 1234 | +91- 973 000 1540


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Tags: diabetes surgery India, diabetes cure in India, cost diabetes surgery India, low cost diabetes surgery India, benefits diabetes surgery India, diabetes symptoms, diabetes causes, diabetes types, diabetes diagnosis, type 1 diabetes surgery, types 2 diabetes surgery,surgery tours india, india,pre diabetes surgery precautions, diabetes treatment in India, best diabetes hospitals in india, top surgeons for diabetes surgery in india