Monday 20 August 2018

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Cancer Treatment in India

Cancer Treatment in India

Cancer is any form of disease that causes the cells in any part of the body to develop in an uncontrolled rate which leads to the formation of abnormal mass of tissue, known as a tumor. Cancer is also known as ‘malignant neoplasm or malignant tumor’. However, (benign) tumors do not spread to the surrounding areas or organs from the site of origin, but the malignant form of tumors can affect the organs and tissues around the origin site by spreading the uncontrolled cell growth to other parts of the body. India is home to the largest oncology-specialty hospital network that are equipped with the most advanced technology.

Why India for Cancer Treatment?

Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases known to man. The timely, detection, diagnosis and correct form of treatment, however, can make a lot of difference. A cancer treatment applied fast is known to produce excellent results in innumerable cancer cases.

Doctors in India are known to be highly-specialized and well-trained in modern treatment methods of cancer. The vast network of state-of-the-art hospitals and cancer clinics in India has a very high success rate in diagnosing, treating and preventing as well as rehabilitation of cancers of all types. India is the top-choice of thousands of cancer patients who came for treatment and return home in a healthy state every year.

Different Types of Cancer:

Cancers are further classified into separate categories, depending on the area of the body that is affected and also according to the type of cells that the tumor originates in.

Here is a list of cancers classified according to the type of cells that make a tumor:

Carcinoma: These cancer cells are caused by epithelial cells (cells lining the surface of any organ or blood vessel) which are mostly found developing in adults. These may also include colon cancerpancreatic cancerlung cancerbreast canceretc.

Sarcoma: These are found in the connective tissues, such as nerves, cartilage and bones. These are the uncontrolled growth of the mesenchymal cells around the bone marrow.

Leukemia / Lymphoma: These are caused by blood cells. This type of cancer is known to affect children as well as adults.

Germ cell tumor: Cancer caused in the pluripotent cells (cells that develop into other types) and the more common type is the ovarian cancer and the testicular cancer.

Blastoma: These are caused in undeveloped embryonic tissues and are more common in small children.

Below are several types of cancer classified according to the part of the body that they affect:

Appendix cancer: An appendix cancer, or appendiceal cancer, are caused in the vermiform appendix. These may also be caused by the spreading of female genital tract tumors, colon cancer and breast cancer.

Brain cancer: It is an umbrella term used to denote the various types of cancer that affect the brain – such as cerebellar astrocytoma, malignant glioma, ependymoma, medulloblastoma, etc.

Breast cancer: This type of cancer affects the breast tissue and is most often detected in the form of a hard lump, change of breast size and dimple in the breast skin, fluid leaking from nipple or a red patch on the breast skin.

Cervical cancer: This type of cancer affects the cervical region. It has the risk of spreading to other parts of the body as well (malignant in nature). Vaginal bleeding, pain during sexual intercourse and pelvic pain are often the signs of cervical cancer.

Colon cancer: This is also known as colorectal cancer, bowel cancer or rectal cancer. This cancer affects the parts of the large intestine (colon or rectum) and is caused by the abnormal growth of cells. Blood in the bowels, irregular bowel movement and extreme weight loss are some of the signs of colon cancer.

Esophageal cancer: This type of cancer is found to affect the food pipe (esophagus), a pipe of soft tissue which starts from the mouth and ends at the stomach. Signs of esophageal cancer mostly include weight loss and trouble in swallowing, hoarse voice, swollen lymph nodes, dry cough or blood in vomit.

Eye cancer: These can often originate in the eye itself or can spread to the eye from other cancers in the different parts of the body (breast cancer or lung cancer). The Basal Cell Carcinoma is the most commonly seen eye cancer.

Gastric cancer: This is also more commonly known as stomach cancer, this type of cancer develops in the lining of the stomach. It is often signified by upper abdominal pain, heartburn, loss of appetite and nausea. Later stages of symptoms include blood in the bowels, troubled swallowing, vomiting, and yellowing of the skin to weight loss. This type of cancer is also known to spread from the stomach to other parts of the body like lymph nodes, bones, lungs, etc.

Head & Neck cancer: This cancer mostly affects the mouth, lip, nasal cavity, pharynx or larynx. These usually originate in the epithelium cells of the head and neck region.

Kidney cancer: Also known as renal cancer, this affects the kidney of the patient. The two most common kinds of renal cancer are renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and the transitional cell carcinoma (TCC).

Leukemia: This is an umbrella term used to denote a number of cancers that originate in the bone marrow and cause an abnormal growth in the white blood cells. These immature white blood cells are called ‘blasts’ (or leukemia cells). Leukemia is signified by bruising and bleeding problems, fever, fatigue and increased risk of infections. These are the result of lack of normal blood cells.

Lung cancer: It is also known as pulmonary carcinoma or carcinoma of the lungs. This type of cancer is a malignant tumor caused by the uncontrolled growth of the tissue cells in the lung. This can spread to other parts of the body if not treated promptly. Chest pains, shortness of breath and blood in coughing are the major symptoms of lung cancer.

Melanoma: It is a type of cancer that affects the pigment cells called melanocytes. They usually occur in the legs in women and on the back in men. They can often start with a mole that later develops carcinogenic characteristics such as increase in size, change in color, skin discoloration and itchiness.

Oral cancer: This directly starts in the oral cavity (mouth) region. It usually starts as a lesion in the mouth tissue and can spread to the surrounding areas. It can occur in the floor of the mouth, gums, cheek tissues, lips, roof of the mouth (palate) and other parts that consist of the oral cavity.

Ovarian cancer: This affects the ovarian region of a woman. Common symptoms include abdominal swelling and pelvic pain. The ovarian cancer affects the ovary mainly, but is known to spread to liver, lungs, lymph nodes, bladder, bowel lining and the lining of the abdomen as well.

Penile cancer: This is caused by a malignant growth occurring on the skin or tissue of the penis. HIV infections, penile warts and poor hygiene are the most common causes of penile cancer.

Prostate cancer: prostate cancer (or carcinoma of the prostate) affects the male reproductive system due to a cancerous growth in the prostate gland. This type of cancer is known to spread from the prostate to other parts of the body such as the lymph nodes and the bones. Pain in the back or pelvis and blood in the urine or difficulty in urinating are the common symptoms of prostate cancer.

What are the Treatments for Cancer?

The same way a cancer is classified according to the type of tumor cells and the location of the cancer, the treatment process for cancer also varies.

These are the types of treatments that are available for cancer:

Surgery: A cancer surgery is used to remove a cancer as well as repair the damage caused by the cancerous cells in the body. It is also used at times to diagnose as well as prevent cancer when possible.

Radiation therapy: Also known as radiotherapy, this uses ionizing radiation techniques to kill or control cancerous cells from spreading to other parts. This is also used as a preventive measure to decrease the risk of the cancer from recurring after being treated.

Chemotherapy: This technique for cancer treatment uses a number of drugs and medicines to destroy cancer cells in the body. It is useful to stop the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells as well as preventing the cancerous cells to spread to other parts of the body in some cases.

Immunotherapy: This type of cancer treatment manipulates the patient’s immune system to destroy, or suppress growth, of cancer causing cells in the body. offers Best and Affordable Cancer Treatments is known as the leader of efficient medical tour service provider in India. It is well-connected to the large network of modern and advanced oncology-specialty hospitals and clinics spread across all major cities of India, such as Delhi, Bangalore, Nagpur, Mumbai, etc to make it more convenient for patients from abroad to travel to India for treatment. offers the every individual patient with the most advanced and effective affordable treatment package for cancer in India.

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